Water Qi Gong for Winter Season - Keep Inner Light Shinning & Qi Boosted
QiGong Thursdays Brighton 6-6.45pm St Michaels Church Hall Brighton Every Thursday
All levels of experience welcome!
The essence of Taoism and Qi Gong is going with the flow of nature. As winter arrives there are more hours of nighttime than daylight in the northern hemisphere at this time.
Rather than feeling low due to the lack of light, tune into the moonlight & water Qi and connect with this energy to charge up your water Qi and Jing essence, our essential life force that Taoists and martial artists view as the holy grail to cultivate for longevity, vitality in winter and Jing essence.
Jing, our ultimate life essence of the earth bound energies (whilst fire is the manifest heaven bound energy) and Water Qi is associated with Kidneys & bladder. more about this exercise and its benefits can be found on our article about Water Qi Gong & The Gate of Life (Jing Essence)
This water/moon energy has predominance during winter. Our unique and empowering Direct Method Water Qi Gong sessions are essential to keep the inner light shining, a clear mind (wuji) and remain full of vitality while developing through the winter months.
These Water Qi Gong Classes will help with:
- Essential Jing Cultivation
- Increase confidence
- Remove fear and anxiety
- Improve sex drive
- increase blood and Qi flow
- Help remove emotional/physical problems associated with sex organs, kidneys and bladder.
- Increase vitality
- improve immunity during winter
- increase Qi sensitivity
- Improve Qi awareness
- Cultivating extra energy or Qi
- Relax body mind and spirit
- Improve connection to earth/grounding
- Improve all over vitality
- integrate mind body and spirit
- cultivate hard to achieve Jing Energy
- Cultivate water energy
- Keep happy and buzzing in winter
- keep warm in winter
- help with warmth with "Guardian Qi"
- Sense Your Qi and Qi from Heaven & Earth
The Water Gongs may increase your sensitivity to better quality water, reduce the desire to drink alcohol and increase your sexual sensitivity and drive.
If you continue the course of 8 sessions by the last few sessions we will practice the magical and enlightening "Three steps to Little Heave" exercise. This keeps the water qi flowing throughout stomach, sex organs and lower back to improve vitality, sexual energy and Jing/Qi.
Our Qi Gong Classes Could help you improve:
- Blood flow
- Better sense of well-being
- Self awareness
- Balance
- Relaxation
- More energy and vitality for life
- Increased confidence
- Reduced joint, lower back pain
- Increased flexibility
- Improved concentration
- Sensitivity to those around you
- Increased awareness of how and when to avoid potential negativity
- Reduced desire to participate in bad habits
- Stress Reduction
- Better quality sleep
Almost Anyone Can Take Part & Benefit in This Gentle Exercise - Beginners to advanced Welcome to Our fun and Friendly Qi Gong Class
Wear loose fitting clothes, preferably natural fibers.
Every Thursday Evening 6pm to 6.45pm.
Entrance is on St Michael's Place on the side of the Church on St Michael's Place. Five minutes up form the Western Road and seven minutes from Seven dials in Brighton & Hove.
Google Pin: https://maps.app.goo.gl/npb2HfH5LnvPf8ji6
Please book in advance.
Concessions available upon request.
Click on "Add-to-cart" above on this page to book 8 consecutive classes*2 or click here.
Always check that you are okay to do exercise with your qualified medical practitioner prior to attending, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
*: Compilation of over 72 random controlled trails into the efficacy of QiGong and Tai Chi: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3085832/
*2: 8 Consceutive classes are valid for 11 weeks duration from purchase date EXCLUDING Winter Break time (12th December to 7th January or Summer Holidays 12th August to 31st August).
Contact if you have any questions on Tel: 07849 890 975, or email brighton[@]daoyogi.co.uk
Tai Chi & Qi Gong Brighton Classes