Tai Chi & Qi Online Courses & On Demand Videos by taoyogi taiji qi gong brighton & croydon

Taoyogi has curated some excellent tutorials you can learn on-demand online tai chi, qi gong and cardio kung fu (AKA GongFa).


Our on-demand taiji & qi gong courses are available on the awesome streaming app Louges.tv.

Click here to sign-in and view the videos at your leisure: https://lounges.tv/profile/taoyogi

The courses available at the moment:

Duration: 1 Hour 5 Minutes

Duration: 17 Minutes

(High intensity - please ensure you can do high intensity exercise prior to doing this routine)

Duration: 28 minutes

Duration: 5 minutes

More on-demand taiji, qi gong and meditation courses to come!

Taoyogi accepts no liability for injury doing these exercises online or in-person. Please ensure you check with a medical professional prior to doing these exercises that you can safely perform these routines, especially Cardio-KungFu which is high intensity exercise.

For in-person classes in Croydon/South London, Brighton and Hove and Uckfield please click here for our tai chi & qi gong class timetable.